Tuesday 24 July 2012

The Amazing spider-man

So I went to watch the amazing a couple days ago and I've gotta say it kicked the other three in the ass. It's got to be right up there with the dark knight and iron man. One of the best comic book films I've seen. Instead of looking at the relationship ships that's spider man had with people such as MJ or j jonah jameson, it concentrated on his relationship with gwen Stacey (Emma stone) and he's life at school witch was a fresh look. What I liked so much about The amazing spider-man is that it gave the whole thing a new look it and made spider man look more like he did in the comics when he was first out. Because this spider man film took on the direction of cell genetics, an area that he others didn't, This spider man film opened up the door for new villains that haven't been explored before like the rhino or scorpion, witch I so hope that they do. Although Norman Osborn was not in The film he seemed to be named dropped a few times so well have to see what the next film has in store for us. As always though don't forget to stay until after the credits you might get a little treat.

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