Thursday 23 February 2012

Quote of the week!

This weeks Quote of the week comes from the film Gladiator. and you all know what quote i am on about, don't you. If you haven't already please go and watch it must see film before you die.

Maximus: My name is Gladiator. 
Commodus: How dare you show your back to me! Slave, you will remove your helmet and tell me your name. 
Maximus: [removes helmet and turns around to face Commodus] My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. 
Quintus: Arms! 

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