Monday 19 September 2011


With new Shark Film “Shark Night” set for release next week i take a look back on the top shark movies of all time.

2) Deep Blue sea
3) The Reef
4) Jaws Revenge
5) Shark Tale (Yes i know it’s a children’s film)

The list is very short for shark films as most of them don’t become very good or get boring after awhile of watching them. However there is one Shark film that stands out from the rest and that has got to be, yes you guessed it JAWS.

Jaws was released on the 20th of june 1975 and has been making every one afraid of the water ever since, it is the all time top shark film and that will never change.

So what do you think shark night will be like? Let me know your favourite Shark film of all time by posting a comment in the comment box below.

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